Fishing can be a relaxing way to wind down on the weekends after a hard work week or a good pastime for families to spend time together. Getting the correct tackle and equipment for your fishing trips or outings is often the best place to start, and if you are going to fish in specific waters, you may want to research what fish you can expect to find there.

Getting Started

If you are new to fishing, it is better to start with fish that are easier to catch and allow you to get some feel for the gear you will use. In many areas, this means sunfish and other small common fish in small lakes and ponds. These smaller fish are often less decerning about the bait they will bite, so a simple pole, bobber, and hook with a worm on it will usually get you bites and nibbles that will allow you to try and set the hook and land the fish. 

Fish like the sunfish and other small species are very resilient, so releasing them back into the lake is a good option, and they typically stand up to catch and release if you don't keep them out of the water too long. Remember, they can not breathe out of the water, so remove them from the hook and get them back in the lake quickly so they will survive and be there for the next fisher. 

Starting Tackle

The first piece of gear you need is a rod and reel, and there are plenty of different ones on the market. A basic casting reel and medium weight rod are often fine for getting started and have a minimal learning curve to get comfortable with casting and retrieving your gear from the water. When you are getting started, visit a sporting goods store with a specific fishing section and staff with some knowledge to share.

You will also need to get some weights or sinkers, hooks that are the right size for smaller fish, and a bobber or other float device that you can use to watch for bites. The associate in the store can help you pick out the gear you need and show you how to set it up the first time. 

Advanced Fishing Techniques

As you become more comfortable with your gear, you may want to upgrade or add to your tackle to try more advanced fishing. Often lures, spinners, and jigs can add to the fun but are used differently, so it is essential to do some research to ensure you have the right gear for the fish you are after and know how to use it properly.
